Thanks to Blue Dot Festival for having me for a couple of family shows. Fossil Frontiers has now played at Edinburgh Science Festival,...
RIP Dustin
Hi all, just a quickie to say an enormous thank you for all your kind words about this piece about our late-cat, Dustin. The Guardian...
RHS Hampton Court Flower Festival
Thanks to the Hampton Court Flower Festival for inviting me down for a whole week to talk wildlife ponds with visitors. At our make-shift...
The Pond Playlist Podcast
Hi, and so, ummm, yes, my podcast has finally got going! Each week there will be a new scientists interviewed about the various organisms...
FameLab Academy 2019 - congrats!
An enormous congratulations to the 2019 FAMELAB ACADEMY champions! It's been a real pleasure offering training in science communication...
More festival dates added
As of today, this year's events are as follows below. Be great to see you there! Edinburgh International Science Festival, 6th - 21st of...
And mosquitoes, you ask?
Apologies for the impersonal nature of this message - I'm struggling to keep this to 280 characters! Thanks for asking about mosquitoes...
Get ready for the #pondplaylist
This is a tough time to be an invertebrate. Currently, millions of species are likely to be declining at a rate that far exceeds their...
Jules's festival appearances in 2019
Hey folks, this is just a quick one to announce the festivals I'll be taking part in during 2019. Confirmed events include: Edinburgh...
From stoned sloths to farting fish...
Now back in the swing of it after a laughter-packed night at London Zoo. The event last Thursday, called From stoned sloths to farting...